Thursday, April 21, 2005

Jamie and Donny arrive in Missouri

Around 3 or 4 pm Jamie and Donny arrived! What a nice birthday present. :) We went to El Maguey for dinner and then ate yummy carrot cake mom made me for dessert. 

Jamie and I went to the rental place and rented an agar so he and Paul could dig the holes for the deck. My yard was so muddy and there's so much clay in the yard that they could barely handle it! It was really dark out and looked like it was going to storm, and there were tornado warnings for near Ashland. The weather's cold too.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Mom and Paul arrive from Michigan

Mom and Paul got in this evening from Michigan. The plan is for Jamie and Donny to come visit and for all the guys to build a deck for me for my birthday. I told Paul tonight about the baby. I was a little worried because I didn't want to get any negative feedback, but he was really great and seemed happy.

I'm feeling pretty good, but am so tired I think I will never feel right again. I'm a little morning sick, but never for very long and never really that bad. I have tried to throw up a few times, but true to the doctor's word I can't because of the surgery I had in February. Well, it's all good because it's a lot neater this way anyway! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2005

The day that changed my life!

After five days of waiting for my monthly cycle to start, I finally went to Walmart after work and bought a pregnancy test. I think Jamie had wanted me to take one days before that, but I really felt premenstrual, so didn't want to waste the money. You're supposed to wait five minutes after peeing on the stick to look at it, but I figured that if I waited and it was positive that it would be a big shock. So, I sat there and watched for it to turn. As the second line started to get darker, I was able to ease into knowing a bit ... okay it only worked a little bit because I was still pretty surprised!

After I found out I picked up the phone and called Jamie. He answered and said "well?". I asked him if he'd be okay with it either way. When he said yes, I told him it appears as if I'm pregnant. His first words? "No shit?" (How romantic!) Then he started laughing and I started crying! He was saying 'this is so great' and I was saying 'what did we do?'

I then called mom and told her. I think she was more surprised than I was! She took such a deep breath in she nearly choked!