Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Our lovely Christmas
This year for Christmas Jamie's mom Gladys came in for a visit. She arrived the 23rd and left the 29th- a perfect stay.
I had Christmas Eve and Christmas day both off work, so got to spend lots of time home with the family. It also allowed me to focus on cooking a wonderful ham dinner.
The three girls cooking dinner:
Christmas Eve we made fudge and left it out for Santa with a glass of milk. Of course, we left carrots for the reindeer because they get hungry too. The next morning we all woke up and went downstairs to find the tree surrounded by gifts. Being on a budget certainly did not stop us from being creative and receiving gifts from friends and family. Each of the kids got a scooter, Avery got tons of dolls and Asher tons of cars. His favorite gift was a remote-controlled airplane from Granny that he chased all of us around with. One of Avery's favorite gifts was a roll of masking tape. That is what she asked Santa for, and apparently she knew what she wanted. She spent all day folding bits of paper and taping them together as letters and maps to her friends. It was snowing that morning, so we all awoke to a truly white Christmas.

The day before grandma left we all went to the Olive Garden for dinner. It was an absolutely wonderful dinner and I had a good time (sometimes that's a little iffy with the kids).
Before dinner:
Here, Avery is spending time with Nana, who gave her a dollar for letting her stay in her room through her stay (incidentally, Avery LOVED sleeping on the floor in our room).

Sunday, December 27, 2009
A lovely day with Avery
Today Avery, Nana and I went to see a movie- The Princess and the Frog. What a cute little story! Avery loved it and only got scared a little bit when the voodoo man was conjuring up wicked stuff from "beyond." I got a little scared when Nana took off to go to the bathroom and didn't return for a little too long... I was ready to pick up all our stuff and go looking for her when she came shuffling up the aisle.
We stopped at Schnucks to see if we could find a post card for Nana, but they didn't have any. So, we bought a bottle of wine and some sushi instead. After having a glass of wine and my fill of California rolls, Avery and Asher and I went to play in the snow. Poor Asher started coughing from running around too much and ended up having to go inside after only a few minutes. But Avery and I were out for much longer, sledding down the hill on our side yard. At one point I was flying down the hill and the front edge got caught and I flipped through the air landing about four feet from Avery's face. She was laughing so hard and wanted to do flips herself! She rolled down the hill and I watched her squinty little eyes (the only part of her body showing) face the sky with every turn. We then went and played on the playset and swinged and slid down the slide (man, did she get going FAST with her snowsuit... the look on her face as she shot out of the bottom of the tube slide was priceless!).
Dinner that evening was delicious... a venison roast a friend at work gave me. It was Donny's birthday dinner and it was wonderful (too bad he was working and missed it!).
All in all, a very lovely day with my girl.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Perfect winter weekend day
I left early this morning to go to the grocery store before the crowds set in. By the time I got home, it was still early in the morning and we had a whole day in front of us we had no plans for. Unheard of in our house!
We started out by stringing popcorn for our upstairs Christmas tree, which is the one we've been using for homemade ornaments. The kids thought it was fun to actually pop the popcorn from kernels (which I'm embarrassed to admit they didn't know what they were, we're so used to microwave popcorn) and watch them continue to pop from the bowl after I'd emptied the pan. We went downstairs and watched Home Alone while I pierced each piece of popcorn and the kids took turns dragging it down to the end of the string. Asher loved the BIIIIG popcorn snake and did really well by only eating a few pieces. After we put it up on the tree (thankfully it was long enough), we put on the kids new snowpants and went outside.

There was still a bit of snow from Friday's snowfall...enough go to sledding.

Then, of course we had to go in for hot chocolate!

While Asher was napping (which was awesomeness in and of itself) Avery and I made cinnamon ornaments that made the kitchen smell heavenly. We also made homemade bread to go with our chicken and dumplings later we would eat for supper. Before supper, we all went downstairs by the Christmas tree and Jamie enjoyed Kahlua and I had a glass of wine while the kids jumped around and burned off more energy.

The kids got along really well and we all had a really nice weekend together. Not bad for mid-winter when our time outdoors is limited.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Perfect afternoon with the princesses
For Avery's birthday my friend Allison bought us tickets to Belle's Tea Party, which was at the local youth theater. I told her about it about a week before we went, and she was looking forward to it all week.
Well, today was the big day. We started by getting dressed in a beautiful white princess dress (thanks to our neighbor Gracie for letting us borrow it and bringing me to the realization that four-year-old girls need a bin of dress-up clothes). We went and picked up Allison and Maddie and were off to our date. We showed up and a woman was dressed up in a beautiful dress and introduced herself as Mother Nature. We were escorted into the main room and there were several tables set up and decorated beautifully with white table clothes, napkins, a centerpiece and party favors. We also had scones and strawberries and lemonade waiting for us and a cupcake with a sparking candle was delivered after our brunch.

We were served by big forks and dishes from Beauty and the Beast and Mother Nature began to introduce all the princesses as they came out one by one. As they did, they formed a big line all the way around the room. Music began playing and they all went around the room in a circle singing Be Our Guest, and invited the little girls to get up and dance with them. I was shocked to see that Avery wanted nothing to do with it- she was so shy! Eventually I made my way with her toward Ariel (the Little Mermaid which is Avery's favorite) and all three of us danced together. Avery warmed up to her and let her lead her to the next room where they were going to get to meet everyone one by one.
All the princesses, princes and other characters were sitting up on a stage and the little girls were sitting in front of it. Then the director announced that it was someone's birthday and had Avery come up on stage. She sat in the middle of all these characters like a little bean and let everyone in the room sing happy birthday to her!
After that all the characters found children to dance with, and Ariel went straight for Avery because she knew she'd feel more comfortable with her. They learned a little dance, and it was so heartwarming to see Avery twirling with her favorite princess.

Then it was time for all the girls to meet the princesses and princes. They had little coloring books that served as autograph books and they went around to have them signed.
Snow White
And Prince Charming trying the glass slipper on Avery
Ariel and Belle

It was such a fantastic morning, and I'm so grateful to Allison for giving Avery such a creative wonderful gift. I know she'll remember it for a really long time.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Avery turns 3
Avery Rose turned three! Where does the time go?
Avery had a nice little birthday. Her friend Maddie Hutchison came over for cake and brought her a present. Sunny, Alex and Reagan and Kris came over a little later too and brought a very pretty sparkly card. I made a big cupcake cake for her and decorated it with pink frosting (Jamie said it looked like an old lady's bathing cap... bah). When I had asked Avery what theme she wanted, she just said pink. Well, she said lellow, but then changed it to pink at the last minute. So, pink she got. Daddy bought her 18 pink balloons as well as a big giant Diego balloon that both kids thought was the greatest. Granny got her a play kitchen and auntie Angie got her some lacing cards, an apron and hat, and a Tinkerbell movie. She also got the Sleeping Beauty movie from us.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
Thanksgiving was awesome this year! Mom and Paul drove in with grandma Tuesday night, and Angie and Alex and Anna came in on Wednesday all the way from Denver. Mom and I went shopping with Avery on Wednesday and got all our Thanksgiving food (thanks mom!). We were so excited when we got our 20# turkey for $0.69 per pound!
Thanksgiving dinner was fabulous, of course. We had all our standbys and it was fun cooking with the girls. Avery helped Granny make pies, which was the coolest thing in the world.
The next day all the girls got up really early and went to the mall to shop on black Friday. What a nuthouse! First we stopped at Starbucks and each got a little yummy coffee drink to treat ourselves, which put us all in a good mood. We got a few good deals at the mall, but were back home by 9 am or so. We played mah jongg that evening and made another pumpkin pie, and enjoyed spending time together.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
An ordinary day at Bobby school
In the mornings I drop the kids off at Bobby School (aka daycare). Generally I let them watch a movie on the DVD player, because it's about 20 minutes into town. Lately they've been watching a Baby Einstein DVD and interestingly enough both kids seem to enjoy it. There is a part where a monkey puppet slips and falls and both kids laugh hysterically- at which point Asher asks me to rewind it to make it "fall again." Then a few minutes later a cute little song "We're having fun, swimming in the deep blue sea" comes on and both kids squeal and tell me my favorite song is on. I turn it up and we all sing together. This morning Avery had her little microphone that plays songs and we were all singing along with that too.
I will go pick up the kids pretty soon. I'll get there and they'll both run up to me and jump on me (it's sort of a contest to see who can be most excited to see me, which I rather enjoy). Sometimes Asher will run to get Avery when he sees me before even coming over and saying hi to me...he'll point at me and tell "Ah-Bree" that mommy's here like he can't even believe it. :)
Usually getting them both in the car can be a bit of challenge, as it begins the transition between school and home. It hardly ever comes and goes without tears from someone (usually Asher). After a dozen promises of gum (Asher asks "please piece of gum now mommy") they get in their seats and buckled in. I give them a squirt of hand gel and hand the pack of gum to Asher (yes, he needs to hold the entire package and pick out his own piece before handing it to Avery) and we take off. I usually get a few minutes down the road and get to ask them what they did during their day and what they had to eat before Asher asks if he can please watch a moobie now. I love watching their little faces watching the screen, so I oblige.
I'm already looking forward to picking them up. :)
Friday, April 10, 2009
So proud
On Monday I was at my wits end with Avery. She was so cranky, and would not mind me at all. Jamie was at the fire house that evening and she was giving me nothing but trouble. After she went to bed I actually cried, wondering what it was that I was doing wrong and how I could change it so that she wasn't as miserable as she seemed.
The rest of the week was a little better, but it still weighed over me. Then today I showed up at daycare (Bobby School) and the teacher called Avery her little Sunshine. I asked if she behaved well and she told me she always did and that she could always count on Avery to be the bright spot in her day. I said "Avery?" Sure, she told me about how good her manners are and how when her friends are upset she brings them something she thinks will make them happy. I was telling her about how naughty she was and is sometimes during the evenings and by that time there was another teacher there echoing everything the first one was saying- what a joy Avery is.
I was so proud. I gave her a whole piece of gum on the way home (Monday she got half, like usual and I took that away when she complained and yelled at me because it was only a half).
Needless to say we had a very good evening.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Day with Asher
Today Jamie and I decided to each take a kid to do something with them alone. I started thinking the other day that the kids are together all day every day since they go to the same daycare. Since I always take Avery here or there, I decided to take Asher. I am so glad I did!
We didn’t do anything all that special. We went to Sam’s to get a few groceries. When we got there I bought us a hot pretzel and a bottle of water. We walked around and Asher tried to grab everything he could off the shelves. There were tons of little freebie booths set up and we got free samples of everything from salad to chicken and cake. He was such a good boy.
Then we went to the Dollar Store for funsies. There were balloons everywhere so I got Asher one with a big smiley face on it. We took it out to the car, and it was SO windy I had to hang onto it for dear life. I got Asher in the car and that balloon got sucked right out and flew up into the sky like a shot. Asher looked up at it, then looked at me and got the saddest look on his face that I’d ever seen. And the tears.. oh my they were huge! I kept telling him I was sorry and when I couldn’t take it anymore we went back into the store and the lady gave us another one for free.
So, home we drove with smiley face balloon number two in hand and a piece of blue gum in mouth.
Avery, in the meantime, went to the mall and rode the merry-go-round TWICE. They each came home, took good long naps, and we had a nice evening all together. Asher was so cuddly with me at the end of the day that I had to think that he felt closer to me somehow. It warmed my heart. There are so many days I don’t feel as connected to him as I’d like to be- but today was so much different.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A day with the animals
This morning we got up early and went to an Open House that the MU Vet school was hosting. Avery and I went last year with Sunny and Reagan, but it was cold and yucky out.
We told Avery it was a surprise, because she loves surprises. We told her for two days about this ‘surprise’ and how cool it was going to be. Before we got to the Vet school we pulled into the bank. Avery said “Awww… this is my surprise?” She was so disappointed! We assured her it wasn’t, and she was happy especially since she knows Papi always brings her a sucker from the bank.
By 10 we were at the vet school and made our way from the parking lot into one of the buildings. Avery and Asher both walked up about 100 steps just like little troopers. Inside the first building there were a few dogs that had been rescued along with a cat. Avery didn’t like the black dog (she has a thing about black dogs), but pet the white one. Asher liked the small dogs but didn’t like the big one. When it was all said and done they had each pet one or two, as well as a cat. Then we moved onto the snakes. They really had a nice little collection which included a blue-tongued skink and a 12’ albino boa constrictor. It was funny listening to them tell me all about the animals I already knew so much about! The kids thought the snakes were cool, and Jamie laughed at me when I whipped out the hand cleansing gel. Salmonella-free is the way to be, I always say.
Then we went outside and watched trick dogs perform. There were several that were jumping really high and catching Frisbees and doing really cool tricks. It was a bit chilly and windy out, so the kids didn’t last for more than a few dogs before we moved on. Perfect.
We saw Truman the Tiger, and Avery thought it was funny that he doesn’t talk.
Our next stop was the feed animals. The kids saw little piglets, a couple cows (everyone thought it was funny when Asher stuck his head through the bars and kept yelling “Big Big!” They each pet a horse, a cow, a baby chicken, a goat, and got to milk a cow. I’d never milked a cow before so I tried it (it felt weirdly familiar).
On our way out we saw Truman again and Avery gave him a dandelion. He said thank you in sign language, which she got a kick out of because she understood it.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Up your nose
Asher has had a runny nose for some time now. Friday Avery had a runny nose, and it went into Saturday. Saturday the right side of her nose was so plugged up she couldn't get any air in or out. She even complained of it hurting her.
Sunday she was playing at the table. She failed to sit on her butt like I told her too and she ended up falling off and hitting her head pretty hard. Well, this started up the tears and the snot flowing pretty hard. I took the chance to have her blow her nose really hard, thinking it would help clear it out. She blew, and out came a big ponytail tie. Unbelievable!
Little toot was laughing with me through her tears, and called me silly when I asked her if one of Asher's trucks was up there too.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Happy 2nd birthday Asher Skye
It's hard to believe Asher is two today! He is growing up so fast, and looking at him it's hard to even see the baby in him anymore.
Granny and Pawpaw were here for the past week, but left early this morning. The night before (Sunday) we had a birthday party for Asher. Granny and I made a cake that looked just like a frog in a book that is one of Asher's favorites.

Aside from looking cute, it actually tasted pretty good too! He seemed much more interested in this cake than he did in years' past. He loved us singing happy birthday to him.

Our friends Allison and Jesse and their little girl Maddie came over for dinner and cake. The kids all ran around with balloons (their favorite fun thing) and ate cake and got messy. They brought Asher a Little People truck that has little cards that go in the top and sings the alphabet song... it was a hit. Overall Asher had a great birthday party.
Two seems to agree with him.

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