We invited a handful of people over for his birthday party. I try to make the kids' birthday cakes myself, and when I asked him what he wanted me to make, he told me he wanted a world cake. The world, really? Yep, the world. And he didn't waiver. So, I toyed with ideas of making a globe, or a flat map (which would have been infinitely easier), or a combination of the two. Because he likes Diego, I decided to incorporate Diego into the cake, and came up with this:
Grandpa Ron, Aunt Linda, Uncle Richard, Michael, Nate, Katie and Max and Molly came over that evening. I made my famous (cop out because it's easy) shredded chicken and slaw for dinner and cake for dessert. Asher loved opening all his gifts and it was a very nice evening.
It's hard to believe that my baby boy is four. He is really a high energy little guy that always keeps us hopping- but he can be very snuggly and loving. He's always the first one up in the morning, coming to get me by tapping on me til I roll over or coming down in the basement to find me on the treadmill. He is shy in public and when he first meets someone but within a few minutes he warms up and acts like he's known you forever. I can't wait to continue to watch him continue to grow- learning things and becoming stronger. He's a light in our family and we all love him very much.