Monday, December 10, 2012
Kiefle weekend 2012
This weekend, in addition to Avery's birthday celebration, was also the weekend mom and Uncle Richard made kifle. I sort of elbowed my way into the tradition, hoping I can pass it along someday.
As usual, the weekend began with Richard's arrival and the commencement of cocktail hour. Paul made his famous dirty martinis (which I've established that I prefer filthy) and we made the kifle dough. This year my family was here too, and we all went to Sleders and had burgers and fries. Avery was brave enough to "smooch the moose" so Papa bought her a t-shirt.
We all retired, and woke up to hot bowls of "groul" and toasted dilly bread. We made the filling for the kifle by grinding the nuts and whipping the egg whites, adding the sugar and mixing together. Jamie kept the kids occupied while Richard, Mom and I rolled and filled, rolled and filled... and repeated for hours until we had over 400 little kifles. Paul hovered looking for blowouts that he could take off our hands, but we were so good at rolling he got nada. Occasionally the kids wandered in and got involved.

Then, we packed up and made the drive back to Midland, kifle in tow. I had to keep Jamie to a 3 roll maximum or he'd have eaten our share within a week. I'm so glad I'm part of the tradition. :)
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Avery turns 6!
Wow, Avery Rose is six years old. Where did the time go? It seems cliche, but it does seem like weeks ago I was bringing her home from the hospital, wondering what the heck I was doing.
So, this year we, again, went to Traverse City for Avery's birthday. Granny and Papa sprung for a night at the Great Wolf Lodge, which has to be her favorite spot on earth. I left work early Thursday and we drove up to TC. We met Granny and Papa at the Olive Garden (her other fave) for an early dinner. It was good we went early, because that gave us time to play at the water park before bedtime. We spent about an hour and a half there before returning to our room and putting our jammies on for Story Time. In the lobby someone read us a story, and we sand Christmas songs while "snow" fell from the ceiling. Rudy Reindeer was there for hugs afterwards, then we ate some popcorn and turned in for the evening.
The next morning (Avery's actual birthday) we were so pleased to find our elves had jumped into our bags (just wish they'd have brought the one with all my toiletries in it, which I left behind in Midland- boo) and had magically brought us donuts and blackberries. Paired with the juice boxes and oranges I brought and a strong cup of coffee for daddy and me, we waited patiently for 9 o'clock (funny sometimes how years fly by, but minutes can crawl) and suited up for the water park.
We had a wonderful time playing! There weren't very many people there, so never had to wait for a slide. It was nice this year, because both Avery and Asher are terrific swimmers from having a pool in our home; so between that and all the life guards and the lack of a crowd I felt more comfortable if I lost sight of them for a minute. Last year it seemed more chaotic and I didn't enjoy it as much. Avery, as usual, loved the slides. We even got Asher to ride down them, and he screamed the. whole. way. down. I couldn't quit laughing! Both kids got brave enough to stand under the bucket with daddy, who nearly lost his shorts every time. Papa showed up halfway through the morning and he rode the slides a million times with the kids. I swam in the lazy river with Asher for what seemed like an hour... he would swim underwater next to me as I floated on a tube, and I felt like I was swimming next to a dolphin.
That afternoon we went back to Granny and Papas house where we had a taco dinner, red velvet birthday cake and lots of presents for Avery. All in all, a very nice birthday.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Another weekend north
We went up north again this weekend. This time Barb, Ben and Andy were there. We arrived late Thursday night. Jamie, Paul and the boys got up and out early because they were going to go fishing on a charter boat that left from Leeland at 6 am. It was SO windy that day, and they said the waves were huge. Both Ben and Andy spent most of the time throwing up into the lake but all three of them managed to catch six really nice fish, which we got to take home (yay!).
We went into Suttons Bay, where they had sidewalk sales and I bought a great $8 pair of shoes and some little things for the kids. We met up with everyone at the Roman Wheel for subs and pizza, then more shopping. I was wondering what we were going to do to entertain the kids, but Ben and Andy kept them occupied. They played hide and seek and flew a kite and threw a frisbee until Grandma arrived for dinner. We grilled hamburgers and one of the fish the guys caught.
The day was a little less windy and a tad warmer. Mom packed up some snacks and we went to the beach for the afternoon. It was still a little chilly because of the wind, but the kids had a blast playing in the big waves. Asher was completely worn out when we finished up. Avery looked so pretty in her little wetsuit with her wet pony tail doing cartwheels on the shore, saluting after each one.
We got back, got cleaned up (got Asher napped up, thankfully..he was a mess) and were enjoying a glass of wine when grandma arrived. We had a nice rib dinner on the deck and wrapped up the day playing frisbee and bocce ball. Barb and the boys left to go to grandma's and we turned in not too long after they left. We cut it a little shorter this weekend and were home by noon, which was nice. I was worried about the trip home because the kids had been fighting all morning. It was good though, even though I had to listen to Spongebob the whole way. We got home early enough so that I got a chance to re-pack all the fish, go grocery shopping, make dinner and spend time outside with everyone around a fire (I promised s'mores if the kids were good in the car, and was surprised I had to pay up!).
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Beauty shop
Yesterday as I went to work, the kids told me that when I came home they wanted to do my hair. I came home and had to cook dinner (as I was cooking, Asher gave me a 'letter' with an I love mommy note in it with an old credit card telling me that's what I should use to pay them), then I took Asher to gymnastics and returned books to the library and by the time I got home it was nearly time to go to bed.
I told them to get their jammies on, and I would do the same and meet them downstairs in their beauty parlor. For the next half hour I sat on Avery's bed while they both worked on brushing, braiding and ponytailing my hair. When I was done I must have had 20 clips, ties and bows in my hair. Of course I used my credit card to pay, which they slid through a crack in the door which served as the card reader. I also had a fairly large headache from all the 'pampering' but it was totally worth it to spend time with them like that.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Another fun summer weekend
I took Friday off work (again!) and we drove up to Sutton's Bay on Thursday night after Asher's gymnastics. We figured since we were leaving so late that the kids would sleep in the car, but they were so excited they didn't sleep a wink! We got in at about 9:30 that evening and the kids were excited that Granny had set up the bed in the end bedroom just for them so they could have a sleepover. The sleeping situation different because Alex was there!
Friday we woke up and it was raining. Boo!! Mom and I went to town to get a few groceries, and of course we had to shop a little downtown! I bought the kids slippers, because the fact that daddy had thrown Asher's away because they were too small and he couldn't wear them in the car, had him crying. We came back and when it didn't appear to be letting up, Jamie and Alex took the kids to the mall in TC. I got a chance to lay down and take a nap and spend some time with mom. Thankfully by the time dinner rolled around it was sunny and beautiful. Great Grandma came over with her little cake and goodies for the kids (that's why we call Great Grandma "great" you know) and we had fajitas for dinner.
The next morning we got up early and drove across the peninsula to take a kayak trip on the Platte River. After shuttling the cars and securing a picnic site at the park at the end of the trip we were off. Mom and Paul had a double kayak and towed Avery behind in a tube while Jamie and I towed Asher. Alex had his own kayak and he and Jamie were driving me nuts trying to race each other! The kids had a blast and kept getting into the river, swimming along the kayaks. The ride was exactly long enough. At the end we turned in our kayaks and unpacked our picnic and lit the coals for the coneydogs.
I didn't bring my camera so don't have pictures (boo!) but this place was beautiful. On one side of the river was the park, and directly across the river were big sand dunes. The kids loved running down them, or rolling, and splashing into the water at the bottom. After we were done eating (a seagull tried to steal our last hot dog off the grill and burned his beak... amazing), we all took our boogie boards and floating things and drifted the rest of the way down the river, which dumps right into Lake Michigan. At one point near the end, all you can see is bright Caribbean blue water, white sand and sand dunes across the way. It nearly took my breath away, and to see my whole family in that 'mental picture' I took was priceless.
We left there at about 2:30 and stopped at Tiffany's for ice cream. We were so thankful we came early, as when we left we saw about a million people on the river, looking like one solid mass. Sloppy joes for dinner after quiet time and we were all ready to go to bed. But we didn't. Of course, we did FIREWORKS! Paul had bought a ton and Alex was the designated shooter (he could run faster than grampy), and the kids loved it.
We usually leave on Sunday morning to return home, but because Friday rained we hadn't gotten a chance to go on the boat. So, after Paul, Jamie and the kids returned from breakfast we all packed up the boat and went out. Avery and Alex broke in the new tube, which handled really well. We were amazed at how strong Avery was, and know that it's all the conditioning from gymnastics that helps her be able to hold on so well.
Finally, after a Roman Wheel pizza and sub lunch we packed up the car and headed to Midland. I wasn't excited that I had to go grocery shopping, but I took Avery with me and it turned out to be a lot of fun! We, of course, couldn't break the number 1 rule of grocery shopping (never go to the store hungry) so she thought it was cool that I drove through and got a couple burgers and fries for us. Avery thought it was way cool that she got to sit in the cart and share my soda, and asked me whether I eat burgers every time I go grocery shopping! :)
All in all, not a very restful weekend but very fun. I remain thankful every day that we live so close to family, and on the occasions we make these memories together I'm even more grateful.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sick cat!
The other day the cat threw up. I think it was part hairball and part dead animal, but it was way gross. Avery, who gags at even a piece of bread floating in her milk, asked me why the cat threw up. I said I didn't know, but from the looks of it I suspected it was something he ate. To which she replied, "maybe he saw something gross." Hahaha!!
Friday, July 13, 2012
If making Asher say lasagna over and over because I love the way he calls it "basagna" is wrong, I don't wanna be right.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Worktime snack, on Asher
I was sitting on the edge of my bed and Asher came and asked me how much a soda costs out of the vending machine (I'd told my kids about the machine I have at work that will give you chips, candy or soda ANY time you wanted it and they looked at me with awe and wonder). I told him 5 quarters, and he held out his little hand which held 5 quarters. He said he wanted me to have it in case I wanted a soda today. Then he asked me how much a bag of chips was, and I told him 4 quarters. He didn't say a word, ran off and came back and handed me 4 quarters. He said that he wanted me to get a snack too, if I wanted to.
He called me at work today to check on me, and to make sure I was enjoying my snack and soda. My sweet boy.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
July 4th 2012
What a great 4th of July we had!
We left mid-morning to make our way to Sutton's Bay. When we arrived, we put our suits and went out on the boat. The kids rode the tube, and looked so cute together. I went out with Asher, and at one point we fell off the front of the tube and got dragged along for a while. It was a little scary, until I finally pulled Asher under the water so we could let the tube go over our heads. He was such a trooper, and didn't act freaked out one bit (I was a bit shakey!). Grandma Timock came over for dinner that night, and mom made the best baby back ribs I've ever had along with some delicious carrot cake. We shot off some little firecrackers for the kids but couldn't really wait til dark, because it's getting so dark so late. But they enjoyed them and got to stay up late. Paul, Jamie and I sat on the front porch in the dark until 10:30 when the firewords in Traverse City started. It was quite a show!
The next morning we got up, gathered our things together and went to the beach. We set up umbrellas and had packed sandwiches, cheese and drinks and enjoyed hours at the beach. We all got in the water and swam and played with the skippy ball. After a long afternoon, we got in the car and headed home for cool showers, clean clothes and naps. When we got up we had snacks before having a great dinner of hamburgers and triple berry pie for dessert.
On our last day we went on the boat all day in Lake Leelanau. We launched, took a drive and ended up at Fudgey Beach, where it was shallow and warm. Then we went to a different beach that had a dock where we were all jumping off and had tons of fun. We docked the boat in Leeland and ate lunch, and walked around a little while Jamie bought jerky and the kids each got candy and a hat. Avery was itchy, so I fed her some benadryl which resulted in her sleeping in the boat all the way back to the launch, then in the car. More cool showers, clean clothes and quiet time!
Every evening we were there, mom and I met around 4:30 on her back porch for a glass (or two) of wine and a snack. The weather was so hot the whole time we were there (which made being on the water so much more wonderful), but had cooled enough so that we didn't mind being outside- even though it made our wine glasses sweaty. We were the only ones out there, and it was so nice to spend that time with her. Eventually everyone else came out, and made fun of us for wearing out the wine glasses... but it's better than letting them get dusty, right?
We left mom's in the morning on Saturday. We drove by the cabin where dad was, and spent several hours there. It was a really nice visit. We rode on the new 4-wheeler and dad cooked us a wonderful meal of steaks and corn, right over the open fire. Everything was delicious! Carol, Frances and Brian joined us, with Buddy, of course.
All in all a really great break away from work and home.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Summer vacation begins
This is the first week of summer vacation. Avery just completed kindergarten and Asher graduated from pre-school. Jamie's decided that instead of sending them to Montessori, he'd just keep them full time. I think it's a great decision. They love spending time with dad, and it's definitely cheaper this way. But... I'm secretly (or, not so secretly) jealous of them all getting to stay home while I still have to come to work every day. The kids call me throughout the day telling me what they're up to, what's for lunch, whether Charley's caught any chipmunks so it's good that they do that. But, I can't help but feel a little sad that I don't get to stay home and be a part of it. I'm sure it's not always fun, and I know Jamie would much rather be working than staying home all day. And although I don't know or yet understand the reason for it, God has us doing just what He wants us to be doing. So, through the sadness I feel when I get a picture of my two kiddos swinging together on their new homemade swing daddy made for them, I remain thankful for my job and that my kids CAN stay home with their dad instead of having to spend their days with a stranger.
Monday, February 27, 2012
A little reading help
love hearing Avery read to us at night... and I have to laugh every time she
gets stuck on a word and says "mom, this story would be much more interesting if
you'd tell me what this word is." :)
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