Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My first e-mail from Avery

I just wanted to say I love you so much I will not take 1,000 dollars for you I just love you so much i just can't get over it

                                                 I love you so much ,love Avery

Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend at the cabin

The kids and I went to the Nivers' cabin this weekend.  We left Midland after Avery's soccer game, and got up there about dinnertime.  Well, we got near there around dinnertime... dad had to come rescue us when I couldn't find the entrance to the property.  But, in the end we made it.

Grandpa Ron had a campfire going and had the cabin all heated up for us. We unloaded our stuff, Avery claimed the top bunk and we went outside.  The kids ran with Buddy the dog while Grandpa and I sat by the fire and cooked the steaks and potatoes.

Brian Niver came over for dinner and we were all laughing and having fun with the kids.  Brian and Grandpa left, and the kids and I went to bed.  It was really warm in there because we stoked the stove up really high so it wouldn't go out overnight.  By bedtime it was in the 40s and it rained all night, and I worried a little about what we'd do the next day if it didn't warm up or if it continued to rain.

It was a pretty long night.  The kids kept waking up and waking ME up to make sure I was still there.  They were up by 6 ... so early!  I made breakfast of bacon and eggs and blueberry muffins and by then Grandpa and Buddy were there.  Asher spent half the morning trying to get the nerve to climb the ladder up to the loft, which is a little tricky.  He finally got up there, and he was so proud of himself.  Within minutes, he started yelling for me, telling me he was too scared to come down.  Then I heard him say quietly to himself, I wish I'd never done this!! which made me and Grandpa laugh.

After breakfast we went for a ride on the quad through the Nivers' property then onto Grandpa's.  It was a gorgeous morning, although it was pretty cold.  The sun was shining and although we missed the peak colors, it was still pretty beautiful.

We came back, built another fire and sat by it warming up and eating Twizzlers.  Brian came back and Grandpa got out his guns and we all took turns shooting.  Even Asher shot one.. his first time.

Avery wasn't interested, but kept herself busy playing with the dog and trying to get water to come out of the pump on the well (which is funny, because I remember doing the same thing when I was young).

The thing that Avery was most interested in doing was going fishing.  She and Asher looked diligently and found a handful of worms so they could have bait.  Finally, before lunch, we got to go!  Brian was nice enough to take us back there.  (I only got a picture of Asher, because my primary job was the bait putter-onner and fish taker-offer)  They each caught a handful of fish and were really pleased with themselves.  And, the kids thought it was hilarious to go fishing right next to a No Fishing sign. :) 

On the way back, we stopped at what Brian called the "horsey tree" and posed the kids for a pic.  Asher looks pretty uncomfortable here, and, indeed, this picture was taken just moments after yelling at the top of his lungs that His Junk was being smooshed.  

Once we got back to the cabin, we saw that Carol, Francis, Donna and her friend Joe were all there.  We cooked dinner (more steaks!) and played for a few more minutes outside before taking off.  The kids were giggly and silly, and on the way out I asked Asher if I was going to have a problem with him on the ride home.  He thought a minute, then said "probably."  For the most part, he was right... but we were all tired.  A good tired, but tired.  This morning we all talked about when we're going to get a chance to do another weekend in the cabin, because we all had such a good time.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Perfect fall day

Yesterday was a cloudy, drizzly fall day and Jamie was having a hurting day.  We didn't have anything planned, but the kids got up and were in a good mood.  Mid-morning, I practiced putting Avery's Halloween makeup on (she's Mulan this year).  Soon, the kids and I were all in the bathroom and they wanted to play with makeup.  After a few minutes, I decided that rather than use my makeup, that we would run to the store and get some they could play with. We went to Meijer and got a handful of cheap makeup, grabbed some butter burgers and headed home.  For about $10 we got enough makeup to keep the kids occupied for an hour.  Of course, we all had to get made up, even daddy.

Later, I went to the coop to gather the eggs, and thought even though it seems grey and drizzly that it was actually a nice afternoon temperature-wise.  So, the kids and I got our shoes on, loaded up their bikes and headed to the City Forest.  Of course when we arrived there, it started pouring but we only had to wait a few minutes before it stopped.  I found that if I jogged, I could keep up with the kids pretty easily.  It was so fun to watch them tear down the trail, stop and look at something, and keep going.  They got wet, dirty and had tons of fun.  We went down little trails that dead-ended and a couple times left their bikes as we explored the woods.  Avery  kept remarking on how beautiful it was with all the colors and Asher was glad that no one in the history of ever was experiencing the woods like we were then.

Avery and
Asher riding along the trail

Shaking loose leaves from the trees.. it's raining!

We came home to the smell of chicken and beans in the crockpot.  I poured myself a glass of wine, and let the kids take a bath together in the giant tub in our room while I folded clothes.  We watched TV and laughed and had a great evening.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Spiderman made me breakfast

Yesterday, as I was rushing around to get ready for work, I heard the toaster beep.  Now our toaster is an awesome toaster with the exception of this extremely loud smoke-detector-volume beep that alerts you that your toast is done.  So, it's audible from every part of the house (and probably the garage, and the neighbor's house).  This school year I showed the kids that they can make their own breakfasts, including using the toaster in which they use wooden tongs to retrieve their hot toast.  Anyway! Yesterday I heard the toaster then, soon thereafter, smelled toast. Asher ran up the stairs warning me NOT to come down.  I said I'd be down in 15 minutes. Like a 20 year old he looked at the clock, did a bit of math (or not) and told me "that's perfect" then ran back down. 

When I finally made it downstairs, I found a cold piece of overcooked toast with a thin layer of peanut butter on a paper plate next to a small cup of orange juice.  I've never eaten anything that tasted so bad but felt so good to eat.  Of course, Avery got credit for helping, but I could see how proud Asher was of making my breakfast for me.  After all, he informed me as he was loading his Spiderman web shooter, it is the most important meal of the day!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Busy mornings

Today Jamie wasn't feeling well so stayed in bed while I got the kids ready for school.  I usually help a little bit, getting breakfast around or packing a lunch here and there.  But today it was all on me.  They love playing games, but know they can't until they get everything done and are completely ready to walk out the door.  So, I went downstairs with them and helped them get dressed, cleaned out the litter box while they made beds and put jammies away.  We all went up together and had a nice breakfast and talked while I made lunches and signed homework papers.  I was having a nice time with them, when Asher told me that he liked when I helped get them ready.  It made my day.

I think that sometimes, now that the kids are old enough to manage things on their own, it's easy to forget that sometimes it's important to focus on them and help them a little.  I tell you, it makes things run so much more smoothly. I find myself, too frequently, rushing around pulling everything together that I find myself barking out commands.. and when they go unheard I get frustrated... which oftentimes makes me too harsh, which upsets the kids, which upsets me more.  Before you know it, some or all of us are in tears.

So, I'm going to commit to allowing more time for myself so that I can focus more on my littles while they're little and can still use my help- even if they don't need it.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Our terrific weekend

Last weekend we drove up to Traverse City.  Although Mom and Paul are in Florida, we were missing great Grandma and Grandpa Ron.  So, we drove up Saturday morning and met Grandma for lunch.  I think she must have spent all morning cooking, because she had SO much food.  She'd made chili and mac and cheese  for us along with a ton of other things, and it was all delicious. It was good seeing her and catching up with everyone (she knows everything about all the people in the family :).  

After leaving Grandma's we drove to Timberlee, a ski resort, and went tubing.  They have a big sledding hill with a tow rope so you don't have to climb back up.  It was snowing out and since we were up high we could see for a really long ways.  It wasn't cold or windy, so it was just right for us to stay out and hot get chilled (although we did enjoy hot cocoa and tea when we finished up). 

From the tubing hill, we made our way to a hotel in downtown Traverse City, the Park Place.  I think we were there 15 minutes before the kids had their swimsuits on and they were in the pool. The pool was really big and under a neat dome so you could see the snow all around.  

That evening (late, because we were still so full from lunch at Grandma's!) we went and had a nice dinner at Minerva's, which is (thankfully) right downstairs from our room.  It was delicous!  We were back in the room and in our jammies and in bed by 8:30 and I think we were all sleeping by 9.  

The next morning me and the kids walked through downtown Traverse City in search of a bagel shoppe.  We found one and got breakfast and coffee and made our way back to the room.  The kids had fun following footprints and being adventurers.  It was odd seeing the streets of downtown so empty.  We also saw a lot of ice sculptures, which were cool.  

After one more swim, we started our way back to Midland.  We stopped in McBain to see grandpa Ron and Buddy.  Grandpa had cooked pot roast(s) and all the fixings and a fruit salad the size of a basketball to go with it.  We had a nice visit!  We all arrived home safe and sound, and worn out, from such a nice weekend. 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day!  I came home yesterday to Spiderman running up the stairs yelling "Mommy's home!!!"  What a way to end a hard day at work. Valentine's day sure is different when you have kids.  Last night I bought some un-healthy Lunchables for the kids, and bought a bottle of wine with which to make my famous cheese fondue.  We all enjoyed our dinner, then had ice cream sundaes for dessert.  The kids don't have school tomorrow, so we opted for a sleepover on the floor of my room.  All in all, a very nice evening!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Avery's first tooth is out!

I came home from work this morning to discover that Avery has FINALLY lost her first baby tooth.  She was so excited.  We put it under her pillow in the hopes that the tooth fairy would trade it in for some cash.  Asher was a bit freaked out by all this... he did NOT want to wake up with some weirdo fairy in his room!  Nevertheless, the tooth fairy did come and brought $5, with a note stating that she wouldn't be getting this much money in the future, but since she lost it at school and it was her first one, it was special. :)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Weekend report

We had a nice weekend. Saturday after lunch we drove to the Children's Museum in Flint where we met up with my friend Leah and her husband Joey, and their kids Jaden and Kacey.  We were there a few hours and the kids really seemed to have a good time. Afterwards we drove to Linda, Richard and Mike's for a drop in visit.  Linda was in the hospital earlier this week with a blood clot.  I drove down to see her on Wednesday, but wanted to check in.  We only stayed half an hour or so before driving home.  We got to stop at the Olive Garden in Saginaw on the way and had a wonderful dinner (so long diet).  There was about a 45 minute wait and the kids were both so good.

Sunday after church I went grocery shopping, then the Coady's came by. Kate and I made about 150 meatballs while the kids played and the guys worked on Katie's car.  While the meatballs were cooking, we played Clue, Spot-it and Bananagrams and drank wine (me and Katie).  The kids all played together really well and everyone like the meatballs we had for dinner.