Hi Papi! Remember me? It's Avery Rose (Boo, to you)! I sure miss you a
bunch and wish I was old enough to talk on the phone, because I would tell you
that I love you.
I have been such a good girl. You would be proud of me. I was a little
loud on the planes on the way here, but I was only talking and blowing
raspberries and not crying so I hope people didn't mind as much. I sat next to
one guy and got him all spitty, but he just smiled. Mommy had to bring so much
stuff in the airport... you should have seen her going through security! She
was glad you helped her to check the bags though, I could tell. We got to play
on the airport floor on a blanket. I sucked ice cubes and played with my blocks
and watched the big planes. I asked if Uncle Greg was in one of them, but mom
said probably not. Only the planes with the animals on the tail, she said.
I am doing well with Granny and Grampy. Grampy is always trying to eat my
little toes, and I laugh at him, which makes him smile. I like pulling Granny's
hair. She made me laugh really hard this morning! I met my Great Aunt and my
Great Grandma. Not sure why they're so Great.... you and momma are WAY
greater. Momma said I finally met the last of the grannies. She was really
nice, but she talks a little funny. I guess because she's from Minnesota. I've
never been there but I think we have a layover (whatever that is) tomorrow on
the way home. I'll see if they talk funny there. I also met my second cousin
Michael. He held me for a minute and I guess that was a big deal because he's
never held a baby before. I guess that makes me very special!
Today we are going to do wedding stuff. We counted 19 adults and 6 kids
that are going to be at the wedding. Well, I didn't count them because I can't
count that high yet, so I'm taking momma's word for it. We are going to see the
flower garden where the wedding will be. Then we are going to visit the cake
lady and see a picture of the pretty cake granny ordered. Then the flower
shoppe to get a boquet. THEN we'll meet Michael and Paul for lunch at the BBQ
joint we're getting food from for the party afterwards. Yesterday we went to
see the Whaleback Inn, where everyone's staying. I was sleeping in the van most
of the time so I didn't get to see much, but I did see that you can see Lake
Leelanau from the main cabin and there were lots of flowers so it's very
pretty. After Great Auntie Linda and Michael leave after lunch, I think we're
going to the fabric store to buy some fabric for granny's windows. The window
treatments momma made for her when I was in mommy's tummy look terrific and she
wants her to make some more. I asked her when she was going to have time,
because we're moving and all... but mom said she's make the time as soon as
Well, we're getting ready to go soon. I'm taking a nap now (I told momma
what to tell you before I fell asleep... she's a much faster typer than me
anyway). I told them not to leave without me, so mom will probably come down
soon. I know she misses you a lot. She says the fact that I look just like you
helps her not be so lonely for you. I'm so glad I get to see you tomorrow.
Please be careful on the way to the airport. I have already asked mom if we can
stop at Jack in the Box on the way home... I know you love it and she can't say
no to me like she can to you. Haha...
I miss you very much too, Papi. I haven't laughed quite as much as I do
when we're together. I can't wait to see you and grab your nose!
All my love,
Avery Rose 
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