Monday, November 8, 2010

Daddy daycare rocks!

So, we've been in Midland a month and I've been working for a week. I was a little worried about Jamie staying home with the kids. They tend to fight a lot when they're cooped up and spend all day together. And if that gets you in a bad mood, they sense it and act up even worse. But, he seems to be doing well with it. He went out and spent a ton of money on easy to make lunches and workbooks for the kids. He spends a little time every day with them doing 'schoolwork' where they use the workbooks to do activities with letters and numbers. They swim nearly every day in the pool, and have quiet time. I'm proud of him for handling it so well. Hopefully soon he will find a job and we can get the kids back in preschool... they do so well with little friends and loads of structure. But for now Daddy Daycare is rocking!

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