Friday, July 11, 2014

First camping trip

Jamie and I have always loved camping, but haven’t had the chance to take the kids until this summer. We got a nice big tent from Grandpa Ron and after testing it out for a few nights in the backyard, we knew we were ready for prime time!

Friday  night after I got home from work, we packed up the cooler and the truck and headed out toward Sanford Lake, where there’s a campground nearby.  Avery and daddy set up the tent while Asher and I started the campfire. 

We all ate hot dogs, but since we were trying a gluten-free diet, all we had were these yucky hot dog buns that we threw into the fire.  Instead of s’mores, I sliced open a banana and filled it with marshmallows and chocolate chips, closed it back up and sealed it in foil.  A few minutes in the fire and everything was hot and melty and delicious! 

We all slept well that night and decided to camp again that night too.  So, we left everything there, went home and did chores around the yard and returned.  Saturday, however, wasn’t quite as fun because it started pouring down rain at about 6 pm.  We were all stuck in the tent with a deck of uno cards and not much else.  I ended up driving home, and going back the next morning to help tear down the soggy campsite.

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