Friday, April 10, 2009

So proud

On Monday I was at my wits end with Avery. She was so cranky, and would not mind me at all. Jamie was at the fire house that evening and she was giving me nothing but trouble. After she went to bed I actually cried, wondering what it was that I was doing wrong and how I could change it so that she wasn't as miserable as she seemed. The rest of the week was a little better, but it still weighed over me. Then today I showed up at daycare (Bobby School) and the teacher called Avery her little Sunshine. I asked if she behaved well and she told me she always did and that she could always count on Avery to be the bright spot in her day. I said "Avery?" Sure, she told me about how good her manners are and how when her friends are upset she brings them something she thinks will make them happy. I was telling her about how naughty she was and is sometimes during the evenings and by that time there was another teacher there echoing everything the first one was saying- what a joy Avery is. I was so proud. I gave her a whole piece of gum on the way home (Monday she got half, like usual and I took that away when she complained and yelled at me because it was only a half). Needless to say we had a very good evening.

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