Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Kids are funny

I'm going to have to start writing more often about the funny things my kids say. What's even more funny is that they're so innocent and honest when they say these things. The other night at dinner I said something that was uncharacteristic (not even sure what that was, now) and Jamie said 'who are you and what did you do with my wife?' After about five minutes Avery leaned over and asked me if I had married daddy. I told her yes, why did she ask. She said, 'then why does daddy wonder where his wife is?' And little Asher! Poor bubs, for some reason, has been waking up scared in his room. So, he comes into our room every night in the middle of the night and sleeps with us. It's not bothered me much til lately (honestly, the straw was yesterday morning when I woke up with his foot in my pajamas) so I told him that he really had to start sleeping in HIS bed. He has a nice new bed in a big room that's perfect for him. And there's only room in mom and dad's bed for two people. He looked from me to Jamie and said 'then why don't one of YOU leave?'

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