Monday, October 7, 2013

Perfect fall day

Yesterday was a cloudy, drizzly fall day and Jamie was having a hurting day.  We didn't have anything planned, but the kids got up and were in a good mood.  Mid-morning, I practiced putting Avery's Halloween makeup on (she's Mulan this year).  Soon, the kids and I were all in the bathroom and they wanted to play with makeup.  After a few minutes, I decided that rather than use my makeup, that we would run to the store and get some they could play with. We went to Meijer and got a handful of cheap makeup, grabbed some butter burgers and headed home.  For about $10 we got enough makeup to keep the kids occupied for an hour.  Of course, we all had to get made up, even daddy.

Later, I went to the coop to gather the eggs, and thought even though it seems grey and drizzly that it was actually a nice afternoon temperature-wise.  So, the kids and I got our shoes on, loaded up their bikes and headed to the City Forest.  Of course when we arrived there, it started pouring but we only had to wait a few minutes before it stopped.  I found that if I jogged, I could keep up with the kids pretty easily.  It was so fun to watch them tear down the trail, stop and look at something, and keep going.  They got wet, dirty and had tons of fun.  We went down little trails that dead-ended and a couple times left their bikes as we explored the woods.  Avery  kept remarking on how beautiful it was with all the colors and Asher was glad that no one in the history of ever was experiencing the woods like we were then.

Avery and
Asher riding along the trail

Shaking loose leaves from the trees.. it's raining!

We came home to the smell of chicken and beans in the crockpot.  I poured myself a glass of wine, and let the kids take a bath together in the giant tub in our room while I folded clothes.  We watched TV and laughed and had a great evening.

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