Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hectic poem

I discovered yesterday that Asher now has three teeth!  He is crawling and climbing everywhere.  Wherever he is, he wants to be somewhere else.  He wants to walk so badly!  He will go through these yoga-like poses where he'll get on his hands and feet, then lift a hand into the air.  I was surprised a couple mornings ago to find him standing in his crib when I went in there to get him.  Now he does that every morning.

Our days are so hectic, I thought I'd write a poem about them...
Hectic mornings warming milk
Grumpiness I try to bilk
Binkies, blankets, sippy cup
Burp cloth covered with spit up

Poopy diaper, dirty bib
Babbles coming from the crib
Get them dressed from head to toe
Load the car and off we go

Cooking meals and serving dinner
Hit or miss which one's a winner
Flinging food and apple juice
On my floor make a slippery sluice

Playtime, snuggles, bubble baths
Man and wife just crossing paths
Stories, bedtime, brushing teeth
Eight p.m. sure brings relief

Midnight diaper changes galore
Please end soon, I do implore
Wake up early, start again
Where do I even begin

Can't drink coffee because caffeine
Will wire baby and ruin routine
Each day starts off so bleary eyed
Was it just last night I sat and cried?

So tired that I can't think straight
I don't realize until too late
The first of today's many mistakes
I just poured orange juice on my corn flakes

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