Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First tooth

Little Miss Avery Pants has a tooth!  Her left bottom incisor is barely poking through, I felt it with my finger last night.  That might be why she was waking up in the middle of the night and crying, although being in a new house probably didn't help matters.  She also had a great swimming lesson last night.  The first lesson I tried to get her to kick, and then pull with her arms.  She didn't quite get it.  Yesterday evening after a few minutes she started kicking like a little frog... then later she started slapping the water like shew as stroking.  She even went underwater briefly three times.  She always looks a little surprised when she gets water on her face, but it doesn't seem to bother her. 

I was at work all day yesterday for the first time in days.  I hated being away from home knowing there was so much to do there... but I liked being here knowing there was so much to do there.  Jamie picked up our entertainment center and it's the last piece of furniture we're going to get for a while.  Well, someday we'll get Avery furniture, but she doesn't really have a need right now.  Mom called and said she liked the walls the yellow color that I painted them, but I'm still not liking them.  Poor Jamie.  He hates to paint.  

We're leaving for California on Friday.  Saturday and Sunday we'll be in San Jose, and will go to Sonoma Monday to see Jamie's family.  Leone will get to meet Avery for the first time.  Sounds like a fun trip (work trips usually are) but I'm still sort of stressed from the move.  Hopefully by the time we leave we can have things mostly unpacked.  Hahahahaha.

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