Wednesday, June 7, 2006


Yesterday was Avery's six month appointment.  She didn't see Dr. Holly, but saw Dr. Meyer instead.  He was the very first doc that looked at her.  She's doing really well.  Of course!  She weighed 17 pounds, and was 25 inches long (but I think she was crinkled because she was almost 27 at home) and Jamie won the guess the baby's weight for the first time.  She got three shots, cried for about a minute and left smiling.  

I got to stay home with her all day.  I kept her home because I wasn't sure if she was going to start running a fever, and I'd just as soon not have to pick her up from daycare just a few hours after dropping her off.  I spent a lot of time packing and think I'm getting a handle on things.  I ran out of boxes.. then got more boxes and ran out of tape.. then got more tape and ran out of paper.  I'll be able to get a lot more done tonight.  In the meantime my running's gone out the window.  It makes me sad.. but hopefully I can find a place to run at our new house and get up early and go from there. 

Jamie's gotten a few more jobs.. yay!  Donny missed the work bus this morning and is likely at home kicking himself that he didn't believe Jamie when he said he was leaving in five minutes.   The plan is to get Jamie lots more high paying jobs and then figure out something I an do to stay home and make a million bucks so we can both retire!  :)

A comment from Daddy-- I love you for who you are, what you are about and how very special you take care of and love our Boo - Boo and her Papi. You are the best! Love, Jamie:)

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